(I am) Speaking About (the new) Dragon (blog)

Recently, the Dragon Naturally Speaking team at Nuance launched their own blog – Speaking About Dragon. I can't resist reading (and sharing) a well delivered blog and based on the type and frequency of their posts as well as the resulting dialog, it seems like the Dragon team is finding this new social media outlet to be really useful. They also launched a Facebook Fan Page a few days ago, and it's getting off to a fair start.

Starting organic conversation with "the masses" is fascinating to watch, both as a consumer and as an employee. It will be interesting to see if this market encouragement causes any additional forays into social media for the Dragon team or other business units here. I try not to blog or tweet too much about work, but our products really are quite awesome, thus the plug.

Is it a bad idea to say "My awesome speech recognition software, let me show it to you!" ?

I think not. And, in case anyone was wondering, no, this post was actually not dictated using Dragon Naturally Speaking. DNS does rock, to be sure, but I recently re-imaged my laptop and haven't had time to install it just yet. I'll get there.

Mar 12th, 2009
